15 perfect restaurants in Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Gdańsk, where culinary magic unfolds! Brace yourself for a taste bud extravaganza in this enchanting Polish city. From heavenly pierogis bursting with flavor to mouthwatering smoked salmon, these 15 gastronomic gems will leave your stomach begging for more. Join us on this foodie adventure, and be prepared to loosen your belt a notch or two!

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1. U Mariana

4.5 (219)

Mariana Hemara 19, 80-280 Gdańsk, Poland

Nestled in the historic city of Gdańsk, you'll stumble upon U Mariana, a charming gem of a place where time seems to have fallen asleep, snoring away peacefully. If you're looking for an escape from the bustling tourist traps, this quaint little joint will tickle your taste buds and leave you grinning like a mischievous child who just found a secret stash of candy. Decorated with kitschy trinkets and mismatched chairs, U Mariana is like your eccentric uncle's living room, but with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and delicious Polish delicacies filling the air.


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2. Kubicki

4.5 (1516)

Wartka 5, 80-841 Gdańsk, Poland

Located in the captivating city of Gdańsk, Kubicki is a quirky establishment that combines the wonders of a restaurant, a museum, and a time machine! Step back in time as you enter this charming venue, where the walls are adorned with vintage photographs and the floors creak with tales from the past. Not only does Kubicki serve up mouthwatering delights from the kitchen, but it also offers a smorgasbord of ancient artifacts, giving you the opportunity to digest both food and history all in one sitting.


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3. Matii Sushi

4.2 (544)

Mariana Hemara 3, 80-329 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Matii Sushi in Gdańsk, where food aficionados and chopstick-wielding warriors unite! This sushi paradise is tucked away in the heart of Gdańsk, inviting you to dive headfirst into a sea of deliciousness. As you step inside, prepare to embark on a culinary adventure that will have your taste buds doing the happy dance, all while providing enough Instagrammable moments to make your followers green with envy.


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4. Kłos Restaurant

4.5 (3601)

Kerkstraat 41, 1017 GB Amsterdam, Netherlands

Welcome to Kłos Restaurant, where gastronomy and laughter collide in a glorious explosion of flavor! Nestled in the charming streets of Gdańsk, this culinary gem invites you to embark on a journey through a culinary wonderland that will make your taste buds dance a samba. From the moment you step inside, be prepared to have your hunger whisked away by a squad of waitstaff who could moonlight as stand-up comedians, ensuring an unforgettable dining experience, complete with belly laughs and mouth-watering dishes that will leave you saying "Kłos, you had me at hello!"


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5. Gdański Bowke

4.5 (3728)

Długie Pobrzeże 11, 80-888 Gdańsk, Poland

Nestled in the heart of Gdańsk, the magnificent Gdański Bowke will make you say "Bowke me away!" This architectural masterpiece gracefully parades its vibrant Gothic-style facade, standing tall like a proud peacock who just discovered a secret stash of worms. With its intricate details and colorful charm, it's no wonder this place is a selfie magnet for locals and tourists alike, who can't resist capturing the glory of the Bowke before running off like paparazzi chasing a celebrity.


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6. Pod Łososiem

4.5 (1759)

Trałowa 20, 80-690 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Pod Łososiem in Gdańsk, a delightful restaurant tucked away in the historic heart of the city! Prepare to feast like a king, or queen, or even a mildly hungry squire, as this hidden gem serves up a delectable selection of traditional Polish dishes from pierogis to hearty soups. With its charming old-world atmosphere, friendly staff, and portions fit for a Viking warrior, Pod Łososiem promises to satisfy your cravings and have you waddling out with a fully content belly.


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7. Restauracja AïOLI

4.4 (7856)

Partyzantów 6, 80-254 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Restauracja AïOLI in Gdańsk, where the magic of Mediterranean cuisine meets the coastal charm of Poland. Prepare to be whisked away on a culinary adventure that will leave your taste buds dancing the Macarena! With its vibrant ambiance, stunning harbor views, and a menu that could make Zeus himself drool, this restaurant is a hidden gem for food lovers looking to escape the ordinary.


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8. Restauracja Fahrenheit

4 (1311)

Długi Targ 39/40, 80-830 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Restauracja Fahrenheit, a hidden culinary gem nestled in the heart of Gdańsk! Prepare to be dazzled by their innovative and playful approach to dining. From the moment you step foot inside, you'll be whisked away on a gastronomic adventure where the food is so hot, it could make your taste buds go Fahrenheit 451! With exquisite dishes that will leave your senses sizzling, this restaurant is sure to set your appetite on fire, both figuratively and possibly literally!


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9. Tawerna Piwna

4.3 (577)

Straganiarska 20/23, 80-837 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Tawerna Piwna, an absolute hoppy paradise nestled in the heart of Gdańsk! Step into this delightful tavern and let the aroma of freshly brewed beer tickle your nostrils like a playful bunny. With its stunning medieval decor and a mysterious atmosphere that can make even the most mundane conversations sound like tales of adventure, Tawerna Piwna promises an unforgettable experience for beer enthusiasts and fantasy lovers alike. So grab a mug, raise it high, and let the good times flow in this charming haven of merriment!


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10. Brovarnia Gdańsk

4.3 (1117)

Szafarnia 9, 80-755 Gdańsk, Poland

When it comes to beer, the Brovarnia Gdańsk in Gdańsk is like a fairy godmother sprinkling hoppy magic on your taste buds. This place is packed with all the ingredients you need for a sensational drinking experience: a charming setting, attentive staff, and an endless selection of liquid gold to choose from. Whether you're a beer connoisseur or just someone who appreciates a good brew, Brovarnia Gdańsk will have you clinking glasses and saying, "Cheers!" in no time.


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11. Kresowiak Restauracja

3.3 (456)

Długa 79/80, 80-828 Gdańsk, Poland

Nestled in the charming city of Gdańsk, alongside the whispers of the Motława River, lies Kresowiak Restauracja, a culinary gem that will transport you to the culinary wonders of Eastern Poland. Here, the food is so indulgent, you might spontaneously break into a passionate Polish polka. With its warm and rustic ambiance, this restaurant is practically begging to be your new bestest food friend - the kind that always has pierogi waiting for you, even when your pants are two sizes too small.


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12. Gdańska Stacja Kultury

4.6 (212)

Dworcowa 9, 80-026 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Gdańska Stacja Kultury, where culture and quirkiness collide! This vibrant gem in Gdańsk will transport you to a world where art, music, and shenanigans go hand in hand. Prepare to be enthralled by its kaleidoscope of eccentric events, whether it's a poetry slam or a jazz band that's so jazzy, they put swing in your hips without you even knowing it.


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13. Biała Gęś

5 (4)

Grunwaldzka 79, 81-771 Sopot, Poland

Welcome to Biała Gęś, a charming little spot in the heart of Gdańsk where swans are constantly jealous of the tasty delights that await your taste buds. This quirky restaurant effortlessly combines traditional Polish cuisine with a touch of whimsy, offering dishes that will make you feel like you've discovered a hidden treasure. With a cozy interior adorned with vintage knick-knacks and a staff that has mastered the art of witty banter, Biała Gęś is where culinary adventures and laughter intertwine for a memorable dining experience.

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14. Restauracja Firoga

4.3 (838)

Ołowianka 1, 80-751 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Restauracja Firoga in Gdańsk, where dining becomes an adventure worth embarking on! This hidden gem tucked away in the heart of the city will teleport your taste buds to a realm of culinary excellence. With dishes prepared by culinary wizards, be prepared to bid adieu to your granny's cooking forever, as Firoga's menu will take you on a gastronomic rollercoaster ride from start to scrumptious finish.


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15. Restauracja Kartuska

4.5 (2409)

Kartuska 20, 80-104 Gdańsk, Poland

Welcome to Restauracja Kartuska in Gdańsk, where culinary delights meet quirky charm! Step into this hidden gem and be prepared to indulge in a gastronomic experience that will tickle your taste buds and your funny bone. With an ambiance reminiscent of a quirky grandmother's living room, complete with nostalgic knick-knacks and mismatched furniture, this place oozes character and guarantees an unforgettable dining adventure.


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How to get there


The best way to get to Gdańsk, Poland by plane is to fly into Gdańsk Lech Wałęsa Airport, which is approximately 10 km from the city center. Many airlines such as Ryanair, Wizz Air and Lufthansa offer direct flights to Gdańsk from major cities across Europe.


Driving to Gdańsk is also an option, although parking in the city center can be difficult. There are several highways leading to Gdańsk, which include A1 and A4. It is important to note that there are tolls on some of the highways. Additionally, renting a car is also possible and many well-known companies have offices at Gdańsk Lech Wałęsa Airport.


There are several trains that run to Gdańsk, however, they may not be the most efficient way to travel. The main railway station in Gdańsk is Gdańsk Główny, which is located in the city center. However, considering the travel time and cost from other cities, taking a train to Gdańsk may not be the best option.


It is possible to arrive in Gdańsk by boat via the port in Gdańsk, which is located near the city center. Ferry services depart from multiple cities and countries such as Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Taking a ferry to Gdańsk may not be the fastest way to travel, but it is a unique and scenic option to consider.


Taking a bus to Gdańsk is a convenient and economical option. Many bus companies offer routes to Gdańsk from various cities in Europe. The main bus station in Gdańsk is Gdańsk Główny, which is located in the city center. Some popular companies offering bus routes to Gdańsk are Flixbus, Eurolines and Polski Bus.

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Gdańsk, Poland: Budget-Friendly Adventure Guide

A trip to Gdańsk, Poland on a limited budget is possible and rewarding. This historic city offers free walking tours and discounted museum admissions, allowing visitors to explore its rich culture and architecture without breaking the bank. Accommodations can be found at affordable prices, and local street food is a delicious and budget-friendly option.

4-Day Romantic Getaway: Gdańsk, Poland

Explore charming and colorful streets of the Old Town while taking a romantic stroll in Gdańsk. Take a boat tour on the Motlawa River and admire the beautiful architecture of the city. Indulge in traditional Polish cuisine while enjoying the stunning views of the Baltic Sea from the beach.

Gdańsk Getaway: 4 Days of History, Fun, and Sun!

Gdańsk, located on the Baltic Sea, offers a wonderful family-friendly destination with a perfect blend of history and fun. Enjoy exploring the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Town, where narrow cobblestone streets lead to charming buildings and captivating museums. Take a stroll along the Long Market, visit Gdańsk Zoo, and relax on one of the nearby sandy beaches for an unforgettable family getaway.

Gdańsk's Maritime Marvels: A Whimsical Family Adventure

Gdańsk, Poland offers a perfect blend of rich history, stunning architecture, and family-friendly attractions, making it an ideal destination for a family trip. Explore the charming Old Town, filled with colorful buildings, picturesque streets, and lively market squares that will captivate both young and old. Engage in educational experiences at the World War II sites, visit interactive museums, or take a delightful boat tour of the Gdańsk canals for a memorable and enjoyable getaway with your loved ones.