Uncovering Nottingham's Hidden Treasures

Discover Medieval Marvels on a Shoestring Budget in Nottingham!

21 June 2023

A trip to Nottingham on a limited budget can still be a fun and memorable experience. The city offers plenty of free activities such as visiting the Nottingham Castle, exploring the Wollaton Hall and Park, and taking a walk around the Old Market Square. Cheap accommodation options include hostels and budget hotels, while local street food and markets provide delicious and affordable meals.

Day trip plan

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Discovering Nottingham's Hidden Gems

  • Start your day at Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, the oldest inn in England, and enjoy a pint of ale in its quirky cave-like setting.
  • Explore the Nottingham Castle grounds, which offer stunning views of the city and its historical significance as the former residence of kings.
  • Visit the City of Caves attraction for a fascinating look at the city’s underground history and discover its secrets hidden in the limestone caves.
  • Take a stroll through Nottingham's bustling Lace Market area, enjoying the vibrant street art and browsing unique independent shops.
  • For dinner, head to Hart's Bakery on Park Row for delicious homemade pies, pastries, and cakes that won't break the bank.
  • End your day with a visit to the Theatre Royal or Nottingham Playhouse for an evening show or performance.
  • Nottingham may be small, but it's full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Follow this itinerary and you'll be sure to have a memorable day spent in the UK's quirkiest city.

How to get there


The best way to get to Nottingham by plane is to fly into East Midlands Airport and then take a train or bus into the city center. There are direct flights available from major cities such as London, Paris, and Amsterdam.


The best way to get to Nottingham by car is to drive on the M1 motorway, which passes by the city. From London, take the M1 northbound and exit at junction 24. From Manchester, take the M60 and then the A52 to Nottingham.


The best way to get to Nottingham by train is to take a train to Nottingham Station, which is located in the city center. There are direct trains available from major cities such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham.


There are no waterways that lead directly to Nottingham, so the best way to arrive by boat is to take a canal boat tour from nearby cities such as Leicester or Derby.


The best way to get to Nottingham by bus is to take a coach to Nottingham Coach Station, which is located in the city center. There are direct coach services available from major cities such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham.

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